These macros are simply designed to let you do Atonement healing as long as you have no target selected (i.e. being lazy). If you use an addon like Clique for mouseover healing, it will still function. Obviously, these could also be adapted for mouseover healing by using additional conditions to the macros.
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip Penance
/cast [harm][help][@focustarget,harm] Penance
The above macro will cast Penance at your target, or at your focus's target if you don't have a target of your own.
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip [help] Heal; [harm][@focustarget,harm] Holy Fire; Heal
/cast [help] Heal
/stopmacro [channeling]
/cast [harm][@focustarget,harm] Holy Fire; Heal
The above macro will cast heal if you have an ally targeted. Otherwise, it will attempt to cast Holy Fire at your focus's target (if he has an enemy targeted).
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip [help] Flash Heal; [harm][@focustarget,harm] Smite; Flash Heal
/cast [help] Flash Heal
/stopmacro [channeling]
/cast [harm][@focustarget,harm] Smite; Flash Heal
The above macro works the same as the previous macro, but with Flash Heal and Smite (just to show another example).
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip Prayer of Mending
/cast [help][@focus,help][] Prayer of Mending
The above macro will cast Prayer of Mending at your target (if an ally) or at your focus if you have no ally targeted. This is a dumbed-down version of the actual macro I use (which is set up to combine PoM and SW:D into a single button for both Disc and Shadow specs).
All of these macros can be adapted for other spell combinations, of course, and/or given more complicated conditions (as space allows).
I never know how much others know about macros (as I am not the most knowledgeable by any means), so I'll risk sounding arrogant and say: if you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask.