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Vvain - Mage (Arcane)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:41 pm
by Vain ... n/advanced

1) What is your character name? * : Vvain

2) Class * : Mage

3) Primary Talent Specialization * : Arcane

4) What is your age? : 21

5) What is your location and time zone? * : Boston - EST

6) What is your level of raiding experience? If you have experience experience pre-MoP, please let us know! * : Started raiding beginning of Cata.

tier 11: Rogue/DK Tank/ Holy Pally 12/12 NM 6/13 HM in 10 man/25 man
tier 12: Holy Pally 7/7 NM 1/7 HM in 10 man
tier 13: took a break before fireland nerfs hit

Reinstalled wow first day MOP released.
tier 14: Ret Pally Holy os 4/6 2/6 0/4 NM in 10 man

7) How did you learn that we were recruiting? Another website? Word of mouth? Something else? : Arthas forums

8) What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave? : Raided with the guild some of my wow buddies were in in the Bleeding Hollow server call <Shipwrecked>, but during holidays a lot of them decided to quit wow/leave guild for various reasons. Some of them had been raiding since vanilla so that might have been a factor. I had nothing else to keep me there.

9) We raid on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00pm to 11:30pm eastern. Do you have any conflicts that may affect your availability or attentiveness during these times? * : None really, I might miss/be late for 1 thursday out of a month due to college-y things. Or sometimes not.

10) If there is anything else you think we should see or know when reviewing your application, please tell us here. (e.g. Any Butchers that may be able to vouch for you, etc.) : armory page: ... n/advanced

Re: Vvain - Mage (Arcane)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:53 pm
by Halleck
Thanks for your application, Vain. We'd be glad to have you! Just contact me, Windleaf, Nomi, Zenair, or Cravenn and we'll send you a guild invitation.