... l/advanced
1) What is your character name? * : Mithrail
2) What realm are you on? * : Jubei'thos
3) Class * : Warrior
4) Primary Talent Specialization * : Protection
5) What is your age? : 29
6) What is your location and time zone? * : California PST
7) What is the extent of your raiding experience? * : Um, server firsts through the first half of WotLK, took a break until 3 months ago and only have done LFR
8) How did you learn that we were recruiting? Trade chat? WoWProgress? : You're not recruiting but I want to join for the social aspect of the guild I was originally in.
9) What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave? : The Butchers (Arthas) - Left due to time restrictions
Fade (Jubei'thos) - Left when I stopped playing the game
10) We raid on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7:00pm to 10:30pm server time. Do you have any conflicts that may affect your availability or attentiveness during these times? * : I do, but since you're not raiding, it's no big deal
11) If there is anything else you think we should see or know when reviewing your application, please tell us here. (e.g. Any Butchers that may be able to vouch for you, etc.) : Um, most of the older butchers may remember me. I've got a lot of characters, which I will eventually get onto the correct server, but for the meantime, I'll be making some lower level alts.