It's a bittersweet moment, to say the least. On one hand, many of us have been on Arthas since we started playing -- I've been here over 9 years. On the other hand, the increasing faction imbalance has made the game nearly unplayable in places like the Timeless Isle or the Isle of Thunder, not to mention the minuscule pool to recruit from as Alliance on Arthas. We're the only active Alliance raiding guild on a high population server, for crying out loud!
The decision wasn't easy, but it's been a long time coming.
In other news, we've gotten a couple new heroic kills. Last Wednesday (Feb. 19), we killed Heroic Galakras, and yesterday we killed Heroic Iron Juggernaut. Hopefully this is the start of a trend, though I know we haven't hit the hard bosses yet.

Additionally, while it's somewhat less of an accomplishment, most of us completed our Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider achievement last night!